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第一章 总则

第一条 为规范我市农业产业化市级重点龙头企业的认定和运行监测工作,搞好对市级重点龙头企业的服务与扶持,根据《中共曲靖市委 曲靖市人民政府关于加快农业产业化发展的意见》(曲发[2004]4号)精神,制定本办法。

第二条 农业产业化市级重点龙头企业是指以农产品生产、加工或流通为主。通过各种有效利益联结机制与农户相联结,带动农户进入市场,使农产品生产、加工、销售有机结合,相互促进,具有市场开拓能力,科技创新能力,在规模和经营指标上达到规定标准并经曲靖市发展农业产业化经营领导小组认定的企业。

第三条 农业产业化市级重点龙头企业的认定和扶持,围绕市农业六大主导产业、“双六”工程,以增加农民收入为根本出发点,按照实事求是、扶优扶强、突出重点、合理布局的原则,推进农业产业化经营发展。

第四条 农业产业化市级重点龙头企业的认定和运行监测工作遵循市场经济规律,实行竞争淘汰机制,发挥中介组织和专家作用,坚持公开、公平、公正、择优原则,不干预企业经营自主权。

第五条 凡申报或已获准为市级农业重点龙头企业的企业,适用本办法。

第二章 标准及申报程序

第六条 申报企业应符合以下基本标准:














第七条 申报材料。申报企业应提供企业的基本情况,填写市发展农业产业化经营领导小组办公室(以下称市农业产业化办公室)统一印制的申报表。

第八条 申报程序




第三章 认定

第九条 市农业产业化办公室负责对各县(市)区推荐的市级重点龙头企业进行审查和对已认定企业进行监测评价工作。市级重点龙头企业认定和运行监测评价评分办法,由市农业产业化办公室牵头商有关部门提出,报市发展农业产业化经营领导小组审定。

第十条 市级重点龙头企业认定程序和办法。



第十一条 经认定公布的农业产业化市级重点龙头企业,享受市委、市人民政府制定的关于加快农业产业化发展的有关优惠政策,实行挂牌保护制度,未经批准,任何单位不准到企业集资、摊派和进行达标检查评比活动,并列入推荐为省级重点龙头企业的后备名单。

第四章 运行监测及管理

第十二条 对农业产业化市级重点龙头企业实行动态管理,建立竞争和淘汰机制。

第十三条 建立农业产业化市级重点龙头企业动态监测制度,及时了解企业的经营发展情况,并进行运行监测评价,监测评价情况作为对企业管理、考核、奖励、扶持、淘汰的依据。

第十四条 市农业产业化办公室定期对重点龙头企业的运行情况进行监测,检查扶持政策是否到位,企业发展环境是否优化,及时协调解决出现的新问题、新矛盾,全力以赴为企业做好服务工作。

第十五条 对已认定的市级重点龙头企业实行两年一次的监测评价制度,第一次监测是在企业被认定为市级重点龙头企业开始后的第三个年份。具体办法是:




第十六条 监测合格的市级重点龙头企业,继续享受有关优惠政策;对监测不合格者,取消其市级重点龙头企业资格,不再享受有关优惠政策,市发展农业产业化经营领导小组以适当形式向社会公布监测结果。

第十七条 在不属监测的年份,市级重点龙头企业按农业产业化统计报表制度向各县(市)区农业产业化工作主管部门填报。

第五章 附则

第十八条 申报市级重点农业龙头企业的有关材料,不得弄虚作假。如果有舞弊行为,一经查实,已认定的企业取消其市级重点龙头企业资格;未认定的企业取消其申报资格。

第十九条 对在申报、认定、监测评价过程中不能坚持公开、公平、公正原则,存在徇私舞弊行为的工作人员,主管机关要按有关规定予以严肃查处。

第二十条 市级重点龙头企业更改企业名称,需要对其市级重点龙头企业称号予以重新确认,企业应出具工商行政管理部门的营业执照等更名材料,报曲靖市农业产业化办公室予以审核确认。曲靖市农业产业化办公室将企业更名情况通报曲靖市发展农业产业化经营领导小组成员单位。

第二十一条 本暂行办法由曲靖市发展农业产业化经营领导小组办公室负责解释。

第二十二条 本暂行办法自发布之日起施行。















海关总署 对对外贸易经济合作部



第一条 为了严肃处理违反进出口许可证管理制度的案件,保证进出口许可证管理制度的有效实施,依照《中华人民共和国海关法》、《中华人民共和国进口货物许可证管理制度暂行条例》和《中华人民共和国海关法行政处罚实施细则》,制定本规定。
第二条 伪造进、出口货物许可证,企图蒙混进口或出口货物的,没收货物,并处货物等值以下、百分之三十以上的罚款,情节严重的,依法追究刑事责任。
第三条 伪报进出口货物品名、规格等,借以逃避进口许可证管理的,没收货物,并处货物等值百分之三十以下、百分之十以上的罚款;借以逃避出口许可证管理的,没收货物,或责令退运,不准出口,并处货物等值百分之三十以下、百分之十以上的罚款。
第四条 涂改进口许可证品名、规格、数量、有效期等内容的,没收货物,并处货物等值百分之三十以下、百分之十以上的罚款;涂改出口许可证品名、规格、数量、有效期等内容的,没收货物,并处货物等值百分之三十以下、百分之十以上的罚款。
第五条 申报进口属于许可证管理的商品,不能提交有关许可证的,没收货物或责令退运,如按海关规定期限补交进口许可证的,处货物等值百分之三十以下、百分之五以上的罚款;申报出口属于许可证管理的商品,不能提交有关许可证的,没收货物或责令退运。
第六条 经海关同意具保放行,在规定期限内不能补交许可证,如属于无证进出口,骗取海关具保放行的,处没收货物或追缴货物等值价款,如属超期交验的,处货物等值百分之三十以下、百分之五以上的罚款。
第七条 来料加工、进料加工合同项下进口的料、件和加工的成品、半成品,经主管部门批准转内销处理的,应视为一般进口货物,其中属于许可证管理的商品,应按规定补领进口许可证。不能补交进口许可证的,处货物等值以下,百分之十以上的罚款;未经主管部门批准擅自内销的,没收货物或追缴内销货物的等值价款,可以并处有关货物等值以下、百分之三十以上罚款,或者应缴税款三倍以下、一倍以上的罚款。 前款所涉及的料、件、成品、半成品,属于国家限制进口的机电产品的,按第八条规定处理。
第八条 来料加工、进料加工合同项下进口的国家限制进口的机电产品料、件和加工的成品、半成品,转为内销处理的,应视为一般进口货物,按规定补领进口许可证,不能补交进口许可证的,没收货物或追缴内销货物的等值价款,可以并处有关货物等值以下、百分之三十以上的罚款或者应缴税款三倍以下、一倍以上的罚款。
第九条 故意采取分签合同、分口岸或分批进口的方式,逃避许可证管理,证据确凿的,视情节分别按走私或违反海关监管规定论处。
第十条 对违反进出口许可证管理制度,进口高档消费品或国家限制进口的机电产品,出口国家紧缺物资的,从重处罚。
第十一条 对各级经贸管理部门违反规定的授权范围或不按进出口许可证管理制度规定签发的许可证,海关有权不予受理,有关货物不准进口或出口。
第十二条 对违反进出口许可证管理制度的其他行为,由海关按本规定的原则和其他有关规定处理。
第十三条 本规定所列行为构成走私罪的,应移送司法机关依法追究有关当事人的刑事责任。
第十四条 本规定自一九八九年二月一日起施行。


(Promulgated on January 25, 1989)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
The Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of
the People's Republic of China, the Interim Regulations of the People's
Republic of China on the Licence Control System for Import Goods, and the
Rules for the Implementation of Administrative Penalty under the Customs
Law of the People's Republic of China with a view to dealing seriously
with offenses against the import and export licence control system and
ensuring the effective implementation of this system.
Article 2
Any attempt to smuggle in or out goods through the forgery of import
or export licences shall be punished by confiscating the goods and a fine
equivalent to 30 percent or more of, but not more than, the value of the
goods; serious cases shall be dealt with by court in accordance with the
criminal law.
Article 3
Misreporting the names, specifications, etc. of import and export
goods in order to evade import licence control shall be punished by
confiscating the goods and a fine equivalent to at least 10 percent but no
more than 30 percent of the value of the goods; if the misreporting is
designed to evade export licence control, the goods shall be confiscated,
ordered to be returned or banned from export in addition to the aforesaid
Evading import licence control by misreporting goods under such
control as client-supplied or other materials being imported for
fulfilment of processing orders or in other names shall be punished by
confiscating the goods and a fine equivalent to at least 10 percent but no
more than 30 percent of the value of the goods.
Importing or exporting more licence-controlled goods than the amount
reported shall be punished by confiscating the goods in excess of the
reported amount (except those for which there are overflow or shortfall
provisions), together with a fine equivalent to at least 10 percent but no
more than 30 percent of the value of the said goods.
Concealing licence-controlled goods among goods not subject to
licence control shall be punished by confiscating the licence-controlled
goods and a fine equivalent to at least 10 percent but no more than 30
percent of the value of those goods.
Article 4
Altering the content, such as names, specifications, amounts or
periods of validity, of an import or export licence shall be punished by
confiscating the goods and a fine equivalent to at least 10 percent but no
more than 30 percent of the value of the goods.
In cases of illegally using the import or export licences issued to
others, the goods being imported or exported shall be dealt with in
accordance with the provisions of preceding clauses.
Article 5
In case of failure to produce the relevant licence in declaring
licence-controlled import goods, the goods shall be confiscated or ordered
to be shipped back, or, if the import licence is later submitted within
the time-limit set by Customs, a fine shall be imposed at an amount
equivalent to at least 5 percent but no more than 30 percent of the value
of the goods; in case of failure to produce the relevant licence in
declaring licence-controlled export goods, the goods shall be confiscated
or ordered to be shipped back.
Article 6
In case the goods are cleared by Customs through the signing of a
guaranty, but no licence is produced within the prescribed time-limit, the
goods shall be confiscated or an amount equivalent to the value of the
goods shall be paid as penalty, if the case proves to be a fraud because
there is no licence at all; or a fine equivalent to at least 5 percent but
no more than 30 percent of the value of the goods shall be imposed, if the
case proves to be one of delay and the licence is finally produced.
Article 7
When client-supplied and other materials and parts imported for
fulfilment of processing orders and the finished and semi-finished goods
produced therefrom are sold on the domestic market with the approval of
the competent authorities, they shall be regarded as ordinary imports and,
for those subject to licence control, import licences shall be submitted
retroactively in accordance with the relevant provisions. In case of
failure to produce the import licences, a fine equivalent to at least 10
percent of but no more than the value of the goods shall be imposed; in
case the sales are not approved by the competent authorities, the goods
shall be confiscated or an amount equivalent to the value of the goods
sold on the domestic market shall be paid as penalty, and a fine may be
imposed at the same time, which shall be equivalent to at least 30 percent
of but no more than the value of the goods or equivalent to at least 2
times but no more than 4 times the amount of the tax that should be paid.
If the aforesaid materials, parts, finished goods and semi-finished
goods are in the category of machinery and electrical appliances whose
import is restricted by the State, they shall be dealt with in accordance
with the provisions of Article 8.
Article 8
When client-supplied and other materials and parts imported for
fulfilment of processing orders and the finished and semi-finished goods
produced therefrom, which are in the category of machinery and electrical
appliances whose import is restricted by the State, are sold on the
domestic market, they shall be regarded as ordinary imports and import
licences shall be submitted retroactively in accordance with the relevant
provisions. In case of failure to produce the import licences, the goods
shall be confiscated or an amount equivalent to the value of the goods
sold on the domestic market shall be paid as penalty, and a fine may be
imposed at the same time, which shall be equivalent to at least 30 percent
of but no more than the value of the goods or equivalent to at least 2
times but no more than 4 times the amount of the tax that should be paid.
Article 9
Anyone who has been proved conclusively as having evaded licence
control by deliberately signing separate contracts or by importing goods
from different ports or in different instalments shall be penalized on the
merit of each case according to the provisions for the punishment of
smuggling or offenses against Customs supervision and control.
Anyone who has been proved conclusively to have imported parts and
components allegedly for the maintenance of motor vehicles or household
electrical appliances whose import is restricted by the State, and in fact
have used them to assemble complete motor vehicles or household electrical
appliances shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the
preceding paragraph.
Article 10
Anyone who has imported high-grade consumer goods or machinery or
electrical appliances whose import is restricted by the State, or has
exported materials in short supply in the country, in violation of the
import and export licence control system shall be punished severely.
Article 11
In case any licences are signed by foreign economic relations and
trade departments at various levels that have exceeded their prescribed
terms of reference or are inconformable to the import and export licence
control system, the Customs shall have the right to reject these licences
and forbid the import or export of the goods concerned.
Article 12
Other offenses against the import and export licence control system
shall be dealt with by the Customs in accordance with the principles of
these Provisions and other pertinent provisions.
Article 13
If any of the offenses listed in these Provisions constitutes a crime
of smuggling, the case shall be transferred to the judicial department
where the parties concerned shall be tried according to law.
Article 14
These Provisions shall come into effect on February 1, 1989.